Sunday, February 7, 2010


Just finished a buncha homework and thought I'd blog as a study break!

I'll make this brief but in a nutshell, a lot of significant things happened. I don't think it'd even be too bold to say that the last few days have been life-changing. My clinical experiences are largely responsible for this epiphany of mine. I can't even pinpoint exactly what I mean by "epiphany" but it's something along the lines of providing socially just healthcare and making a difference in people's lives. Thursday, I basically spent the whole day providing blood pressure readings for Yesler Terrace residents and later in the evening I went to St. James Cathedral to do the same thing for homeless individuals. For brevity's sake, I won't go into much detail but basically they were both rewarding experiences. The interactions I had with people were invaluable and I think it was through these connections that I finally realized that nursing is something that I am 100% passionate about.

I can't quite say why I didn't feel this way in the past. But I have a pretty good idea of what I want to point the finger towards - SU college of nursing. Throughout these past 4 years, I've found myself and all of my classmates consumed by the work to be done in pursuit of a BSN. All of us have given up our individuality, somewhere along we've sacrificed various things that hold meaning to us because we can't put aside enough time for them. And sometimes, that isn't even enough - made evident by a large amount of people getting kicked out or having to repeat a class because they didn't make the cut-throat grade. Nurses stand to help people but how can I feel confidant in what I'm striving to become when it has done the opposite to so many of my classmates?

But point is, interacting with the vulnerable population recently has really affirmed why I wanted to go into nursing in the first place - to help people that have no way of helping themselves. Anyway, I could go on but my body is fighting me... going to bed!


  1. OH MY GOSH I know what you mean. I felt that way last quarter. I think I will definitely be a community health nurse in the future :) Last quarter I was so bitter toward the CON. Still am, but it's slightly better now that there's a light at the end of the tunnel. We'll all make it. I am just upset because I feel that the CON broke up our family unnecessarily. So unjust. Always something. You're gonna be great! I'm glad you had this new perspective. But really, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. We're almost there and we're going to make a difference!

  2. So eloquent, I love it! I'm so happy you had such a great clinical experience and epiphany. What a great push in the right direction and reminder that we are working for something much larger than the CON. We can do it and you're going to be an incredible nurse who is going to rock this world. Love you!
